Portfolio > Hope Is a Garden

Baby food forest
Baby food forest
June 03, 2024

My garden plan has evolved significantly since 2018. Last year's horrific series of weather-related destruction (late frosts, flooding, fires, and that's just what affected us locally) along with global heating benchmarks passed ahead of schedule, reaffirmed my intentions for the front garden transitioning towards proper food forest. That means protecting and prioritizing baby fruit trees, spreading the everbearing raspberries, thornless blackberries, black raspberries, and wild blackberries around the periphery, and moving towards only perennials and self-seeded annuals in the central veggie beds. This year I nestled four tomato and two pepper plants between the perennials, but next year I expect there won't be room. The perennial and self-seeded veggies and herbs include walking onions, chives, garlic chives, perennial leeks, Red Russian kale, sorrel, potatoes, strawberries, sage, lemon balm, dill, oregano, and thyme.